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[ about Lee C ]
2006년 11월 ‘장욱진의 游於藝(유어예)’전으로 개관한 이후 서용선, 오수환, 배병우, 오원배, 김선두, 황주리,
김태호, 윤혜남, 윤동천, 오상택, 서용, 윤형선, 김덕용, 박희섭, 변웅필, 장형선, 에마뇰 마료단, 페이신,
마키 호소가와, 아끼야마 이즈미, 테스타로 카마타니, 하토리 후유키 등 국내, 외를 대표하는 작가들의
다양한 기획전시를 선보여 왔습니다.
작고작가 에서부터 중견작가 그리고 젊은작가 및 해외작가의 작업을 소개하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 특히
젊은 작가의 지원과 발굴에도 역량을 쏟고 있으며, 미국, 일본, 한국 등지에서 레지던시 프로그램을 운용하고 있습니다.
참신한 기획력으로 수준 높은 전시를 선보이며 국제적으로도 다양한 역할을 하는 Lee C gallery는
국내 미술계의 발전을 위한 예술의 장이 될 것입니다.
Founded in 2006 by LEE Young Hee, Lee C Gallery has been committed to presenting the work of the most current and significant Korean and international contemporary artists. After the first exhibition YUAYE of CHANG Uc Chin, the gallery has established itself as a leading venue for showing works by major domestic and international artists such as SUH Yong Sun, OH Su Fan, BAE Bien U, OH Won Bae, Kim Sun Doo, HWANG Ju Lie, KIM Tae Ho, YUN Hai Nam, YOON Dong Chun, OH Sang Taek, SUH Yong, YUN Hyung Sun, KIM Duck Yong, PARK Hee Seop, BYEN Ung Pil, CHANG Hyung Sun, IMANOL MARRODAN, FAY SHIN, MAKI HOSOKAWA, AKIYAMA IZUMI, TETSUTARO KAMATANI, HATTORI FUYUKI and others.
Lee C Gallery has an unmatched reputation in Korea for having introduced many of the most critically acclaimed international artists, and especially for supporting the most promising Korean artists.
The gallery provides residency program to artists with many resources such as studio and exhibition space and living quarters in the capital of contemporary art in USA, Japan, and Korea.
The organization’s goal is to serve as a gateway to significant exposure and invaluable opportunities for these artists by nurturing their creativity and helping them share their work with a broader audience.
Lee C Gallery continues to play a key role in developing the domestic art market and promoting Korean artists; as well as drawing the national audience’s attention to the currently international art world.