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Artspace Boan 1942. 통의동 보안여관.
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- Artspace Boan 1942. 통의동 보안여관.

Artspace Boan 1942. 통의동 보안여관.
33 Hyojaro Jongrogu Seoul
Korea, Republic of
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Mission Statement
Restoring ‘Boan’ (保安, Peace and Safety)
보안(保安)의 회복
New Identity: Cultural Accommodation
여관의 정체성_문화숙박업
Art Generating Culture Centre
문화생산 아지트
a Space Where Genres Meet
복합장르적 공간
Art Intermingled with Everyday Life
생활밀착형 예술
Site Specific Art
장소특성적 예술
Events at this venue